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Status Updates posted by KojiNatu

  1. The bet's on! Cece Le wins if she can stay awake 'til 8:00PM (that is if she doesn't get screwed over). I win if she falls asleep before. Kay go!

  2. Happy Christmas! Merry Holidays!

  3. Kinda awkward when I wake up (yea, I just woke up) to find I have 10 notifications and Saralynn Garate is in half of them.

  4. I Just Had Sex! And it felt soo good!

  5. Currently watching: Get Rich or Die Tryin' on BET.

  6. Sapophobia (n): The fear of dropping the soap in the prison showers.

    1. GENOCIDEGeorge


      Well, actually, it isn't.

      Sapophobia is the (unofficial) fear of soap. Sapouni is Greek for soap.

  7. In Australia, the airport is a time machine;Come fly to the United States and you'll see that you went back several hours.

  8. Power went out for like 20 seconds.

  9. Why didn't it rain this bad on the weekdays?

  10. Cece Le is persuadable. Heheh.

  11. Looks like lolToasty and GENOCIDEGeorge have already passed C1,000! This is madness!

  12. I'ma dust off the camcorder and do something with it tomorrow. Would anybody like their profile pics updated? Hah.

  13. Working with/part of RoosterTeeth sounds like the easiest job ever! I would wanna work with 'em.

  14. Finally installed Sony Vegas Pro 10.0 and said "Screw you" to Adobe Premiere Pro CS5. Why? Such complicated installation. Sony Vegas only took... 10 minutes. Now all I need to do is start thinking up ideas for new skits...

  15. If you really wanna tell someone what you feel about it, then fucking say it. You don't need anybody else waitin' on you to ask how you feel about 'em.

  16. Is anybody able to sign on to their YouTube account? I can't.

  17. What's a new way to crowd into a bus? 5 at a time. What's a better way to cut through the line? Walk to the side. PROFIT!

  18. Today i opened a fortune cookie and found a completely blank fortune. I guess that happens when they run out of ideas. MLIA

  19. Free: *~*~*~ $5 Amazon.com e-Gift Card ~*~*~* http://listia.com/14Z3B?r=25738

  20. "I wanna be a billionare...-" Screw that, I wanna be a Brazillionaire.

  21. Playing the most awesome Halo: Reach custom game EVER!!

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