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Status Updates posted by Wahrheit

  1. Lenovo support sucks, don't buy their computers. 8)

  2. The freshmen are coming, the freshmen are coming!

  3. Who has two thumbs and just scored another 172? This guyyyyyyyy.

  4. 5 days until the LSAT. I am become logic, destroyer of exams.

  5. I might turn into a BOFH this weekend and I don't even care

  6. UHDS: Let's close the dining centers because students can walk to food!

    Me: Your claim takes for granted that students /will/ walk to food! You have failed to consider the possibility that I would order Jimmy John's and/or pizza! You would fail the LSAT!

  7. People are moving in!!!

  8. Today will be a good day.

  9. Just scored a 172 on another practice test :)

  10. There are a surprising number of people at the post office in the middle of the day.

  11. I don't suppose anyone would happen to know which fire is causing the smoke all over town?

  12. Things I can do to improve my reading comprehension score:


    Use the details effectively.

    Trust myself.

  13. I have pizza and Mario Kart if anyone wants to come hang.

  14. Does anyone know when Boardwalk opens today? wtb food

  15. It's good to be home.


  17. Recruiting friends to help me move EARLY tomorrow morning. We can have pizza that night?

  18. Today:

    • OSU updated MyDegrees and I found out I have a 3.82 GPA, which will be what I apply to law school(s) with.

    • Saw some good friends who I've been missing all summer.

    • Explored lots of Corvallis that I hadn't been to yet (spoiler alert, this town is beautiful).

    • Had sushi for lunch with one of my professors. He paid for it (woot).

    • Worked on promotional material for my clubs for the coming year.

    • Got Advocates for Freethought and Skepticism acce...

  19. For the first time in a long time, I can tell myself "everything is going to be okay" and believe it. 17 days to the LSAT and I feel fine.

  20. By test day, I am going to be so used to answering these questions that it will be second nature.

  21. So the asshole who scammed me out of a Natural Selection 2 key? Yeah, I had Humble revoke it. 8)

  22. Is there anywhere on campus that's air conditioned where I can study, other than the library?

  23. The sun was red and awesome this morning. My pictures don't quite do it justice. :)

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