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Status Updates posted by KojiNatu

  1. Hmm, I have my old LIVE headset... broken... I think I'm gonna rip out the wires and wear it as some kind of style... with the microphone hidden.

  2. How about us, as Americans, and internet users, take action and actually stop Internet Censorship from Congress? The SOPA bill is likely to pass, and we actually need to do something about it. Otherwise... goodbye Facebook, YouTube, Tumblr, Twitter, etc.

  3. How could Skittles have not invented the Double Rainbow Skittles yet?

  4. I believe Technology and the advancements of tomorrow is what will be bringing families and friends together.

  5. I dig, you dig, we dig, he digs, she digs, they dig.

    It's not a beautiful poem, but it's very deep.

  6. I don't see how you people like Tumblr. I find little to nothing great about it.

  7. I don't think VEVO should get off YouTube, they're just a bunch of a View Count whores though.

  8. I don't understand how you can wear them TAPOUT shirts with pride and confidence...

  9. I download 1,000+ songs, and I still skip through songs to listen to my favorite ones.

  10. I found a Yu-Gi-Oh card: Obelisk the Tormentor, coming back home. Anybody wants?

  11. I got in a car accident, I'm badly hurt and have been rushed to the hospital.

  12. I has another fail haytur. If uhh... anybody wants to mess with this kid, Xbox LIVE Gamertag: HCR PWNAGE

  13. I has not much use on Twitter but to keep up with my gaming updates, for me to follow friends.

  14. I hope I have a bloody good time in UbiSoft's 2006 horror/slasher film-based game "Bloody Good Time".

  15. I just found a Swag Code worth 4 Swag Bucks. http://t.co/x969PxHzz5

  16. I just got up to 30,762 in #DoodleJump!!! Beat that! http://bit.ly/DoodleJump-App

  17. I Just Had Sex! And it felt soo good!

  18. I just saw a teaser of Justin Bieber: Never Say Never on TV today. Seems like an "interesting" movie, I would give it a chance (that is, if I ever do get the chance to go to AMC). I bet ANYBODY that all the Justin Bieber haters (which most likely 60% of the world) will start bashing the movie when they haven't even seen it. Hell, I bet you they're doing it as I speak.

  19. I just snagged a free $5 http://t.co/3AuQsS0l Gift Card from the Swag Store at http://t.co/GE82vqSk. http://t.co/FZGkD15U

  20. I just won 10 Swag Bucks by Searching the web at http://t.co/GE82vqSk. http://t.co/FZJFQmAh

  21. I just won 11 Swag Bucks by Searching the web at http://t.co/GE7XXQJa. http://t.co/FZJBiMr7

  22. I just won 11 Swag Bucks by Searching the web at http://t.co/GE82vqSk. http://t.co/FZJFQmAh

  23. I just won 28 Swag Bucks by Searching the web at http://t.co/GE7XXQJa. http://t.co/FZJBiMr7

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