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Status Updates posted by Wahrheit

  1. Woah... some of our backlinks are a little fucked up...

  2. Woah... some of our backlinks are a little fucked up...

  3. for the 9001 people who think it's funny to ask people who they like via formspring: if you do it anonymously, they will probably not give you an answer. additionally, it is called a SECRET crush for a REASON. if they say it on formspring, it is no longer SECRET. kthx http://www.formspring.me/MattisonEnloe

  4. so much to do, so little time, so few admins

  5. good day, long day

  6. buildin this shit up

  7. integrate steam with ipb, they told me. it'll be fun, they told me. it'll be easy, they told me.

  8. Fuck you Fox, Lie to Me was probably the second-best show you had next to House.

  9. It's not personal, it's just politics.

  10. I just wrote an amazing weekly update and there's nobody on to read it. :(

  11. better days ahead

  12. You fuckers are useless when I'm gone. >_>

  13. Someone said something about a radio stream? Check it out. http://summaxr.com/

  14. asdfjnasdkljanlsdkjfnldskfjaskldj didn't get hired. Time to start looking elsewhere...

  15. I have a shitload of work to do for Reach.

  16. praise the good people of IPS, IP.Content has database linking... life is easier now.

  17. Foundation is laid. Tomorrow should be the beta, and by no later than Saturday night the system should be fully functional.

  18. Can't even play REACH because my stepsister demands to watch the VMAs... sod off.

  19. I've been workin' on the website... all the live long day...

  20. What does extravagance have against catching your eye?


  22. they see me codin', they hatin'

  23. So many updates, so little time...

  24. Ooh... you can like statuses on my site now. :)

  25. It's a big job, but somebody's gotta do it.

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