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Status Updates posted by Wahrheit

  1. We've got some new toys to play with.

  2. "And the Lord saw the wickedness of man was great. And He repented He had made man on the Earth." Rain! Forty days and forty nights of the stuff. And He left not a thing that walked alive. You see, my friends, even God is entitled to a do-over. And what is Columbia if not another Ark, for another time?

  3. "Being anti-gay is not a conservative belief. It is a bigoted belief." -Anon

  4. "Bhsgoss Ipgirl" is the retarded revival of an even more retarded concept that works great for TV but is just stupid for real life. I pity whoever recreated this idol of idiocy and encourage you all to remove them from your friends list, deny all future requests, and mark the profile as spam/fake. Because honestly, you're all better than that.

  5. "Don't boo, vote" is the best thing from this election.

  6. "Fuck facts, right in their face. That's how science is made!" Yay, fatboy.

  7. "Game of Thrones: The Gift" or "Lessons in Why One Does Not Give Power to Religious Fundamentalists"

    Alternatively: "Rise of the Westeros Baptist Church"

  8. "God hates fags." -Westboro Baptist Church

    "I bet hell is fabulous!" -Protester

  9. "He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy!"

  10. "I am having a smiley face kind of day."

  11. "I could promise that I'll swear less as the term goes on but fuck it that's a lie."

    I have awesome professors.

  12. "I didn't realize you were famous."

  13. "I dunno who this Lisa cunt is but she ain't that funny." -Louis C.K.

  14. "I would have accepted that if we worked in the same place, but there's no way I'm gonna not fucking talk until I mail you a coke halfway across the country." - Coworker

  15. "I'm not going to run the program you guys last recommended since I can't even log on, and since last time I complained it was better the next day."

    Holy crap, I want to punch you right now.

  16. "I'm not lying, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome this game is." Dan Miller on Battlefield 3. I tend to agree.

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