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Day 2: Their Urges to Win Were So Orgasmic, I Nearly Jizzed In My Mouth (Not Literally).



As always, as it's Summertime, I'm doing the same shit everyday (if you count weekends, hoo hoo, that's a whole different story). As you can tell, it's the next day, but don't think that my whole day is finished at 11:59.59PM.

So, as I wake up from my comfortable, yet slanted bed, I'm still in bed!! It may not make sense to you, but it soothes my mind. As I attempt to clear-up my blurred vision as I open my eyes... sounds boring, doesn't it? Might as well skip to the good part.

So, I get on my XBox 360 (as always), and as I log on, I get an assload of invites coming in. At least 30 invites came in, and half of those were party invites. I ignore them, except one party invite. Good ol' friends to talk to. As I do that, remember I mentioned I downloaded Game Demos all night? Yea, I don't think I did. I played ALL of them, and out of those 8, only 3 remained in my list. Ninja Gaiden 2, Mirror's Edge, and Tony Hawk's Proving Ground. Good games, and a hella lots of fun!

So, as I enjoyed my fun time playing, my grandma comes and bitches to me (as she always do), but I shouldn't be telling you guys this.

So, I went on to play Halo 3. I recreated and finished editing Sand Pirates, and went on to remaking the Monster Trucks Demolition in Foundry. After, I listened in to some MLG bullshitting, hearing all the epicness that went on, and hearing all those screams of struggle and urges to win were so orgasmic, I nearly jizzed in my mouth (not literally)! If you played MLG with friends, and played CTF, then you understand what I was hearing.

After all the fun, I joined a fun 2v3 game in an MLG gametype. Battle Rifle matches, with some fun twists. 2 epic MLG pros against 3 average MLG players (one of them was me). We were beaten 250 to 58. Yea, very high. We lost so awesomely that I quitted, and let someone take over for me (mainly cause I needed to eat). If you think that was crazy monkey shit, then you didn't experience hell. 1 vs 5 people, and those 5 (one of them was me) lost against that 1 person. You see where the disadvantage came in?

After all that insanity, we all went on to play Matchmaking: Social Slayer, Skirmish, and the 2x EXP: Fiesta.

We had hella lots of fun, we even took on the emblem trick, screwing with people, thinking we were a clan. Our emblem was a Pokeball! Oh, fun times. Sadly, people had to leave.

3 were left, and all we did were MLG FFA, and some fun crap.

Oh wait! Rewind! I forgot to mention we played some Jaws and Sand Pirates! Kay, fast forward.

So after all that mayhem, I got Halo 3, and started playing some more Demo Games. Weren't so great. What did I do with them? Obviously... Delete.

And that's the summary for the day. Kekeke. I'm on a clam.

Halo 3 Variant of the Day: MLG Team Slayer on MLG Pit Stop

Song of the Day: Halo 3 OST - The Ark

Yea, epic song, m'right?

'Til next day... Oh wait, that day is today.


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