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Door to Freshmen. X_X



Well, it's September 1, 2008.

Like most people, I begin school tomorrow. And like a lot of people, I'm going into high school as a Freshman. It's natural that most people going into high school would feel irritated, scared, excited, etc about this experience. But, I feel extremely irritated about having irritated feeling towards going into Freshmen. Mostly based on the fact that I have to deal with the items and school fee issues. I said "fuck it" last time, but I only intended that because it was a matter I had to face in the future. Well, tomorrow is the future, and it's irritating me. =/ The fact that makes this whole thing worse is that my mother doesn't speak or understand English. Adults that helps her with English doesn't really help me either. It's one thing to understand something, but another to react accordingly to that understanding. =/

Well. Either way, there are things that occur worse around the world, so I probably shouldn't complain about something that most likely will be solved easily. :P

Oh yeah, I still haven't finished a book I have to read during summer. XD And I have a test on it around the day we go to school. Eh, whatever. =p



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